AGM 2022
2022 Annual General Meeting
Notice is hereby given that the 2022 Annual General Meeting of Ruapuha Uekaha Hapū Trust will be held on Saturday, 17th September 2022 @ 10am and will be held at Te Kauae Marae.
Registrations and Special Voting for the Trustee election will take place from 9am.
1. Karakia/mihi
2. Chairman’s Report
3. Election Results
4. Financial Report
5. Minutes of Previous Meeting
– Matters Arising
6. General Business
7. Karakia Whakamutunga
8. Lunch
The AGM will go ahead in the current orange traffic light protection framework. However if the traffic light system changes to red we will be unable to hold a AGM or elections that day and it will be postponed to a new date.
Kia hora te marino. Kia whakapapa pounamu te moana. Kia tere te kārohirohi i mua i tō huarahi.
May peace be widespread. May the sea glisten like greenstone. And may the shimmer of light guide your way.