Welcome to Ruapuha Uekaha Hapū Trust
TOMOKIA – November 2024
He mihi tērā ki te whānau whānui. Ka mihi ake ki a Kīngi Tuheitia, haere atū rā. Pai mārie.
We acknowledge the passing of Kīngi Tuheitia in August and the coronation of the new Ariki, Kuini Ngawai Hono I Te Po.
In this issue of Tomokia we acknowledge the passing of one of our long-standing Trustees – Lynn Green. Lynn was an integral part of the Trust having worked for RUHT in varying roles.
We highlight and pay tribute to Lynn further in the newsletter. We also pay tribute to Josephine Anderson who was nominated in the King’s Birthday honours list. Josephine received a Companion of the King’s Service Order for her services to Māori. She was acknowledged for her work in the community and in particular for work relating to the submission of the Countries first ever Treaty of Waitangi Claim WAI 51.
The Trust’s role is to protect, enhance and administer the assets of the Trust for the benefit of its people. Beneficiaries of the Trust must be a descendant of one of the twenty-two owners of Hauturu East 1A6 and 3B1 blocks which were amalgamated to form Hauturu East 8. The twenty-two owners are the children of the following tūpuna who left issue; Te Aroa Haami Haereiti, Whatakaraka, Tanetinorau, and Te Riutoto Aihe.
If you are a descendant of one of the above tūpuna have a look at our website to see how the Trust may be of assistance to you.
Mauri Ora!
Photo – Waitomo Glowworm Caves Visitor Centre
NOTICE OF 2024 Annual General Meeting
Notice is hereby given that the 2024 Annual General Meeting of Ruapuha Uekaha Hapū Trust will be held on Saturday, 7 September 2024, at Te Korapatu Marae, 102 Hangatiki East Rd, RD6, Te Kuiti starting at 10am after the pōwhiri at 9am
Registrations and Special Voting for the Trustee election will take place from 9am.
1. Karakia/Mihi
2. Apologies
3. Chairman’s Report
4. Financial Report
5. Initiatives Report
6. Minutes of the Previous Meeting
7. 2024 Election
8. General Business
9. Karakia Whakamutunga
10. Lunch 1.00pm
11. Preliminary Election Result
In the event of a tangi at Te Korapatu, an alternative venue will be advertised on the Trust’s Facebook page and website www.ruht.co.nz.
Kia hora te marino. Kia whakapapa pounamu te moana. Kia tere te kārohirohi i mua i tō huarahi.
May peace be widespread. May the sea glisten like greenstone. And may the shimmer of light guide your way.